Sagar Ramsay, from the iconic Ramsay Brothers, is back with a brand-new horror series titled Bandh Darwaze Ke Peeche. Known for their cult-classic horror films like Veerana, Purani Haveli, Tahkhana, and Hotel, the Ramsay brothers ruled the horror genre in the 90s. After a hiatus from filmmaking, they are returning, this time venturing into the digital space with a horror show on ALTT.
Discussing the upcoming series, Sagar Ramsay shared his excitement: “Our show introduces a fresh script that dives into the often-unexplored realm of psychological horror. This project moves in a bold direction, seamlessly combining modern storytelling techniques with intense, spine-tingling scenes that will give the audience a thrilling experience.”
Sagar further elaborated that the series is crafted to resonate with contemporary audiences, balancing fear, suspense, mystery, and horror. “We’ve woven a story that unravels dark secrets and supernatural elements in a way that feels both unpredictable and engaging, while still staying true to the essence of Ramsay’s horror,” he added.
Sagar Ramsay Promises A Fresh Take On Psychological Horror
The collaboration with ALTT has been a creatively enriching experience, according to Ramsay. “Working with ALTT has been fantastic. Their platform’s dedication to delivering high-quality and innovative content aligns with our vision for the series. We’re confident that this partnership will enable us to bring a fresh and unique horror experience to a broad, diverse audience,” he said.
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As the Bandh Darwaze Ke Peeche release approaches, Sagar Ramsay is hopeful that fans will embrace the new series with the same love and enthusiasm they’ve shown for ALTT’s other offerings. With the support of the platform, the Ramsay Brothers aim to push the boundaries of horror storytelling, creating something unforgettable for both horror fans and new viewers alike.